Download Chirp Cendet
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Suborder Passeri
Family Laniidae, Genera lanius, Eurochephalus Corvinella
Cendet Bird / Bird Pentet is one of the predatory bird that has a variety of sound field very well. Kicaumania many who consider this type of bird care difficult. Actually, as written in SmartMasterin.Com Sahadev Om Irvan, take care of this bird is as easy as treating other types of birds singing. Cendet intelligent bird is a bird of the family Turdidae.
Cendet including favorite birds for the hobbyist who likes the variety of birds that can imitate sounds of other birds. Once around the early 1990s, as written Anang Dewanto and Maloedyyn Sitanggang at Caring & Training Birds chirp, cendet a bird that has not been much in demand. Even the price is not more than the price of birds finches. However, in its development, people know that besides having a beautiful physical form, it turns out this bird has a voice that sounds interesting and can memaster other birds. Therefore, the flock of birds bondonglah people trying to get this and find the best quality.
Sound type Cendet the ngerol, tend to dominate other birds babble noise if we bushels in the house together. Compared to other birds, Cendet which could have varied songs (depending on the pattern pemasterannya), has a melodious voice color. Although it can be very hard, but not deafening. Differences with the color of the sound of birds chirping other.
Habitat Cendet
Cendet also has another name, such as bentet, pentet, and toet (West Java), and this bird is a bird of prey petengger and aggressive from the Family Laniidae. Laniidae family includes 74 species divided into 4 subfamily. Cendet commonly included in the subfamily and genus Lanius Laniinae.
Type your own cendet various scattered in several areas of the world. One of them, is a large gray cendet (L excubitor). This species has the largest body size with a length up to 25 cm. This Cendet breed in Europe, Asia, and North America.
Together with cendet black and white (L ludovicianus), bird - bird is a species that usually live in the new world (America). The other type, a small gray cendet (L.minor) which have habitat in Southern Europe, Central Asia, and eastern Africa. in addition,
Cendet red head (L senators) who lives in southern England, Europe, Asia, and Africa. There is also a type of bird that has a shape similar bentet located in India and Southeast Asia, namely cendet brown (/ .. christatus) is much contested in Indonesia and a black neck cendet (L colarris).
This bird has a natural habitat in the forest, especially in high trees. His favorite food is seeds, insects, and fruit. These nests are usually made of twigs, grass, moss, flowers, wool, and feathers are tied with cobwebs and linked to the trees or bushes at an altitude of 4-6 meters from the ground. These birds are able to produce eggs as many as 3-6 eggs per egg-laying period. These eggs will hatch after incubation for two weeks.
At the time of incubation, most of the time the parent spent incubating eggs females. To get the food, the male will feed her. At the age of 2-3 weeks after hatching, chicks usually cendet has started learning to fly and leave the nest.
Basic character of the bird Cendet :
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Reference :
Scientific classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Suborder Passeri
Family Laniidae, Genera lanius, Eurochephalus Corvinella
Cendet Bird / Bird Pentet is one of the predatory bird that has a variety of sound field very well. Kicaumania many who consider this type of bird care difficult. Actually, as written in SmartMasterin.Com Sahadev Om Irvan, take care of this bird is as easy as treating other types of birds singing. Cendet intelligent bird is a bird of the family Turdidae.
Cendet including favorite birds for the hobbyist who likes the variety of birds that can imitate sounds of other birds. Once around the early 1990s, as written Anang Dewanto and Maloedyyn Sitanggang at Caring & Training Birds chirp, cendet a bird that has not been much in demand. Even the price is not more than the price of birds finches. However, in its development, people know that besides having a beautiful physical form, it turns out this bird has a voice that sounds interesting and can memaster other birds. Therefore, the flock of birds bondonglah people trying to get this and find the best quality.
Sound type Cendet the ngerol, tend to dominate other birds babble noise if we bushels in the house together. Compared to other birds, Cendet which could have varied songs (depending on the pattern pemasterannya), has a melodious voice color. Although it can be very hard, but not deafening. Differences with the color of the sound of birds chirping other.
Habitat Cendet
Cendet also has another name, such as bentet, pentet, and toet (West Java), and this bird is a bird of prey petengger and aggressive from the Family Laniidae. Laniidae family includes 74 species divided into 4 subfamily. Cendet commonly included in the subfamily and genus Lanius Laniinae.
Type your own cendet various scattered in several areas of the world. One of them, is a large gray cendet (L excubitor). This species has the largest body size with a length up to 25 cm. This Cendet breed in Europe, Asia, and North America.
Together with cendet black and white (L ludovicianus), bird - bird is a species that usually live in the new world (America). The other type, a small gray cendet (L.minor) which have habitat in Southern Europe, Central Asia, and eastern Africa. in addition,
Cendet red head (L senators) who lives in southern England, Europe, Asia, and Africa. There is also a type of bird that has a shape similar bentet located in India and Southeast Asia, namely cendet brown (/ .. christatus) is much contested in Indonesia and a black neck cendet (L colarris).
This bird has a natural habitat in the forest, especially in high trees. His favorite food is seeds, insects, and fruit. These nests are usually made of twigs, grass, moss, flowers, wool, and feathers are tied with cobwebs and linked to the trees or bushes at an altitude of 4-6 meters from the ground. These birds are able to produce eggs as many as 3-6 eggs per egg-laying period. These eggs will hatch after incubation for two weeks.
At the time of incubation, most of the time the parent spent incubating eggs females. To get the food, the male will feed her. At the age of 2-3 weeks after hatching, chicks usually cendet has started learning to fly and leave the nest.
Basic character of the bird Cendet :
- Vicious when hungry. These birds will apply aggressive when hungry.
- Fighter who has territorial. When other birds hear or see birds similar, then the spirit of direct combat raged.
- Most prone to lust. This bird is very easy to ride lust, many causes that can create increased desire on the birds of this species. Stelan EF (Extra fooding) is over, excessive drying or see other Cendet birds, can quickly raise the level of lust.
- Easy to tame. Because of the high beradaptasinya ability, then it is easy to tame birds to humans.
Physical characteristics
Body length 20-25 cm. Beak form a hook at the tip, similar to birds falkon, a kind of hawk. Cendet also have strong legs and sharp claws used for grasping prey in the air. The wings are short and round rod bearing 10 outer primary wing feathers and tail feathers round has 12 functioning as a rudder when cendet in flight. Cendet also have stiff hairs that grow around the muzzle.
Characteristic birds cendet is a long tail and will weave if it is being read. Cendet singing cover tunes in harmony. In stark contrast to pekikannya noisy and loud screeching sound. True nature of birds cendet is fierce. If a peck, usually all at once biting with a sharp beak. If menggigittangan or other body part, usually will leave bite marks on the body.
However, if we maintain this cendet birds since piyikan, galaknya properties will be slightly lost. Even this bird will close if you see our hands. Cendet going straight down as if we're going to feed him.
Pictures Cendet :
To distinguish the sex of birds cendet can be done by observing the left and right side of the bird. If on the cheek there was a striking black color, indicating that the androgynous male cendet. For females, the black color looks artificial. Judging from the shape of his head, cendet female usually has a somewhat bloated head. Meanwhile, the males have the head shape is rather flat landscape. To be more definite can be seen in the bird chopsticks. Cendet male birds have small chopsticks long fur is marked with a pattern of irregular lines on the supitnya. In females, a large supitnya with feather motif orderly line like a flower.
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Care as good as anything, will not bring maximum results if it does not have cendet purebred or a solid combat characters. Cendet quality is determined by genetic factors so.
For bird lovers, cendet is a very nice bird. Variations in the sound, volume, and the beauty of its appearance is the reason for the audience to choose cendet as klangenannya chirp. However, if the sound quality being targeted, gender is crucial in maintaining this bird pleasure. Cendet that androgynous males would have more striking colors, the variations are more diverse voices, and loud volume.
Potential rambling nonstop can also be seen from stature. Good going to be well-built. Wings seem sturdy, neat, symmetrical, and not disabled. Choose a large-headed bird, rounded, and the top flat. Large-headed bird believed to be a smart bird. Note also the shape and size of the beak.
Prioritizing cendet with a half thick and long, but it seems proportionate to the size of the head and body. Beak thick and seems sturdy signify birds can carry a tune with gunfire and loud volume. Conversely, if the part looks flat, inclined ngerol. If ngerol, the volume will be smaller because it takes my breath much longer.
In the meantime, if viewed from the appearance, an avid Twitter cendet have the following characteristics :
- Sharp-eyed and hairy flat and somewhat shiny.
- Movement is nimble, anus clean of dirt, as well as right and left balance organs
- Volume of loud noise.
- Having a natural talent (mental) is good. No fear when he met with a kind of bird, both when training and contests.
In addition to the reference of the book Caring & Training Birds chirp which I quoted above, there are also other tips cendet elections Om version Irvan, as follows:
- Androgynous males, the characteristics of male birds can be seen Cendet firm shiny coat color and contrast.
- Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom of the inclined straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
- Big head, big round eyes and glared. This indicates these birds have a good mental combat.
- Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
- Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Choose a large legs and looks dry. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
- Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
- Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
A. Equipment Cage
1. Cage
In accordance with his size, cage cendet usually smaller than the cage magpie cage anise or red. Commonly used size is 40 x 45 x 70 cm.
2. Perch
Put the two perch in the cage. The best perch is made from wood acid rather rough wooden structure despite being peeled. Place 2 pieces of perch is a parallel top and bottom. 1.5 to 2 cm diameter perch.
3. Kerodong
In the treatment cendet, kerodong useful to make cendet break. Use of kerodong also beneficial for mental development. For young cendet, use kerodong with soft colors or white. Psychologically, young birds are still afraid to face the drastic environmental changes. Kerodong white color also serves to control the cleanliness of the cage and bird. If you feel the bird has been able to adapt, new kerodongnya may replace with a darker color.
But I suggest, if necessary kerodong birds because birds are just too many kerodong, less widely practiced singing. Another example of birds to be prepared for the race, then kerodong for 3-4 days before the race is a good step. The goal, so the bird store power or stamina.
B. Feed
There are several versions of how to bird feeding cendet. There are menyebutkna, feed given after the bird bath. In the morning, give cricket 10 head and Kroto 1 tablespoon, and in the afternoon to give crickets 5 tail and Kroto 1 tablespoon. Especially for every Friday and Saturday, plus the food menu. In the morning, give 15 tail crickets and caterpillars hongkong 3 tails. In the afternoon, 7 animals were given crickets and caterpillars hongkong 3 tails.
Meanwhile, at the time the bird will be contested (usually Sundays), the number of crickets and caterpillars plus Kroto fixed but hongkong 5 tail. After the race, cendet again given 5 crickets and caterpillars hongkong tail 3 tail and legs of water sprayed.
Cendet birds should not be contested more than twice in one month. It is intended that the bird cendet stamina to remain stable. If the bird is less good stamina, will affect the mental from cendet bird itself. For the sake of competition and improve the performance of birds chirping, or extra supplementary feeding necessary fooding. Extra fooding can be given is crickets, Kroto, and caterpillars hongkong.
There are also other tips, as follows :
- Voer (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer will fit every bird Cendet metabolic system. Voer should always be available within cepuknya. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
- EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good for birds Cendet are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, Worms, Caterpillars Hong Kong, Bamboo Worms, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
Should be cautious in granting extra fooding as it can be a frequent cause cendet somersault. This can reduce the sonority of his voice. However, in birds cendet salto can actually be overcome by the following ways.
- Ensure the adequacy of multivitamin and mineral birds that maintain stamina and metabolism of birds are always in excellent condition.
- Bathe the bird should be two times every day, morning and afternoon, when the sun is still there.
- In the meantime, an experienced bird moult, only given voer.
- Understand the character of the bird by changing the position or the number of perch. For example, two perch is placed over the bottom of a parallel or a modified position reduced the number of perch.
- Alternatively, change the type or size of the cage.
Reference :
Scientific Classification
Kindom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Fringillidae
Genus Serinus
Species S.Canaria
Binomial Name Serinus Canaria
The ancestors of all existing canary (serinus Canaria) is a generation descendants of wild walnut (serinus serinus) which can be found to breed freely in the Canary Islands and the mainland part of northeastern Africa. Canary bird is not the original or the Canary Islands, but accidentally introduced as tersebut.Awalnya bird islands, there is a ship with a cage full of canaries sank near the island and a sailor off the birds with a view to being drowned. Many of these birds to a nearby island and landed there they found a lot of food and climate are suitable for breeding.
When the Spaniards know about canaries, they began arresting and menangarkannya canaries.
Walnuts into a valuable pet birds and soon became popular, especially when varieties Canary yellow, brown and red are created.
The first variety is the variety of songs (song variety) the results of the development of a walnut walnuts to produce a good singing abilities and more or less ignore the problem of the color of the bird.
The second variety is the color of walnut varieties (color Bred variety) which is a result of the pursuit of quality breeding of color with more or less ignore the beauty of the singing of the canary.
The third variety is the canary posture (canary of posture) the canary that was developed with little attention to the color of fur and completely ignores the problem of the song.
The fourth variety is the canary mules or hybrids (the mule and hybrid canaries) the results of a cross between a canary bird canary with other finch species to produce offspring that have certain properties that stand out, whether it's in the issue of color, song, posture, or a combination of the three varieties mentioned earlier (this example is the lizard crosses with yorkshire, or yorkshire with blacktrouth and so on).
Variety is the fifth hybrid varieties of all the different varieties of the above are not engineered for specific purposes because of the important "to satisfy" the desire of people to be meghasilkan menangkar birds of any kind.
In other words, five varieties of walnuts on top is kind of nuts that can be called or linked as a result of the mutant and mulatto.
Varieties developed and the "extinction": canary varieties can be divided in a variety of relatively still exist and continue to be developed and rare varieties or is currently almost no original form.
Varieties developed:
- American Singer Canary
- Belgian Fancy Canary
- Border Fancy Canary
- Color Bred Canary
- Crested Canary
- Fife Fancy Canary
- Gloster Fancy Canary
- Lizard Canary
- Northern Dutch Frilled Canary
- Norwich Canary
- Parisian Frilled Canary
- Red Factor Canaries
- roller Canary
- Spanish Canary Timbrado
- Stafford Canary
- Waterslager Canary
- Yorkshire Canary
- Scotch Fancy Canary
Rare varieties :
- Lancashire Canary
- Cinnamon Canary
- London Fancy Canary
A. Varieties developed
1. American Singer Canary
American Singer Canary is walnut which is physically beautiful and have a beautiful voice in the ear. American Singer Canary is the result of crosses between Border Canary is known to look beautiful and Walnuts Roller who has a melodious voice. Walnuts are often referred to as the best walnut, both in terms of posture and of the sound. Being a small walnut active life, the American Singer Canary is a good choice for beginners and experienced keepers. It is strong, powerful, and easy to maintain.
Nevertheless, the American Singer Canary is classified as one of the "song canary", ie, bred to produce walnuts with a melodious voice and not on physical appearance or color. Basically, each "song canaries" should have a distinctive type of song, with clear standards and different songs from the varieties ": song canary" other. Types of walnuts are classified into the "canary song" Another is the Roller Canary, Timbrado Spanish, Russian Singer Canary and Canary Waterslager.
Distribution: American Singer Canary was developed in the 1930s, olehj group of women who became known as "The Eight Boston House Wives". At first they floated the idea to develop a beautiful addition to walnuts also have a beautiful song. American Singer Canary was originally called the "North American canary" and resulting from the cross-Roller Canary Germany (30%) and the Border Canary (70%). Bird is the most widely spread in America.
American Singer Canary berbodi along about 5 3 / 4 inches (14.6 cm) and come up with a variety of colors including yellow, white fans, green, blue, orange, bronze, brown, fawn, and various other colors.
2. Belgian Fancy Canary
Belgian Fancy Canary is one walnut varieties which have an important position in the history of walnuts because walnuts reduce the number of varieties are most popular today. Its main influence is on the development canary "frill" and the canary "posture. As a canary bird "posture", then this is more diotekankan walnut varieties on the development of physical appearance rather than color or song. They are categorized as a canary "posture" with the posture of the body to form a hump like an inverted half moon. Bird "posture canary" is another famous Scotch Fancy Canary and Italian Gibber Italicus.
Belgian Fancy Canary impressive to look like a bird or a defect, a small head like a snake's head. Walnuts are difficult bred and hatched eggs umuninya using another canary .. These birds are relatively more difficult than farmed walnut color. Anyway, this bird is not good at caring for puppies.
3. Border Fancy Canary
Border Fancy Canary including "type canary" developed to produce walnuts with good physical and not on the track. Dubbed as the "Wee Gem", these birds showed small stature, beautiful, compact and sturdy body. Has a rounded body with a very shiny fur. This canary yellow color displays at most, although also found in various other colors.
First developed in the border (border) between England and Scotland, this bird is often confused with walnuts sometimes Gloster, although it can be distinguished from the shape of his head. In the race abroad, the spherical shape of the bird is very decisive results of the assessment. This border canaries reach a length of 14 cm.
4. Color Bred Canary
One of the most popular varieties of all canaries are the Color Bred Canaries. This bird kept people in almost all corners of the world. Color Bred Canary is a beautiful little bird for those who put the bird with a specific color appearance. Color Bred Canary Bird is not only be beautiful, but also active and very entertaining. Birds are fun but it is quite easy to maintain rekatif not easy to breed, so they require special attention if we want the colors to remain menangkar walnut walnuts produce offspring that are also colorful.
Color Bred Canary canary varieties including relatively new, developed from mid-1900. Today there are several hundred versions of the Color Bred Canary birds.
5. Crested Canary
Including "type canary", walnut or Crest Crested Canary classified types of old and canaries and has been around in the 1950s. Initially known by the name of Turn crown and at the beginning of this century known as the King of the fancy (King of Fantasy). Burung.ini crown must be large and fluffy from the middle of the head and expands forward until the beak is almost parallel to the eye so the eye is almost closed. It also expands the crown toward the back of the head.
Crown Crested Canary is good to have good form, broad and thick with dense fur and soft. Canary bird the crown is large and should have a big head, short neck and large body areas, like walnuts Norwich. Crest anyone has any type of crown, but some are having a plain head without a crown.
Another popular type as a "type canary" crested (bermahkota. frayed) jadalah Gloster Canary, Stafford Canary Crested, Crested Norwich Canary, Lancashire Canary and Crested.
6. Fife Fancy Canary
Fife Fancy Canary is a "type canary", bred to have certain physical characteristics rather than to produce a color or a singing voice. This renewed canary developed in the 1950s by Scottish breeder and other breeders in the area called Fife. Fife Fancy Bird border is actually a bird but a smaller body size.
So called because practically the same overall shape, except for the difference in size. The size of this bird and should not exceed 11 cm. These birds are very easily bred and can provide a very wide variety of feathers.
7. Gloster Fancy Canary
Gloster Canary has two versions. A tuft of bird known as the 'Corona', while the plain at the head without a crown called Consort .. Including "type canary", Gloster Fancy Canary relatively new types of canaries. Gloster canary is small, with no more body length and 11 cm. Gloster Canary accidentally bred to the kind of small and endeavored to keep it small, so these animals should not exceed ± 11 cm and as he entered the race abroad.
In the pictures that can be found in books about canaries we will be able to see that this canary yellow color with greenish wing parts white or green, just like the tail. At the head of Gloster canaries have crested, but some are not.
8. Lizard Canary
This beautiful little bird is one of the oldest types of walnut that has had a long history. Including the "type canary", Lizard is almost extinct in the early 1900's. Due to the two world wars and epidemics, the population of the Canary Lizard is reduced until only a few pairs only when it began to be developed again in the mid-1940s. Thanks to the Lizard Canary Association in the United Kingdom, today Lizard canaries can grow again with the fertile and is one of the canaries ..
Lizard Canary (canary lizard) whose length is about 14 cm is very identical to the color of his fur that resembles a lizard scales. Lizard predominantly yellow fur and the color Canary putih.Lizard developed in France in the 1700s. In 1945, the association was formed Lizard fans in the UK with the aim of this bird to breed again and today the Lizard Canary is one type canaries are quite popular.
9. Northern Dutch Frilled Canary
Developed as a "type canary" in the 18th century, Northern Dutch Frilled Canary frill starts from the walnuts. This frill canary came up with various kinds that spread to various countries. Today known frill and the Netherlands, Italy, Paris. As the name implies, Northern Dutch Frilled Canary was developed in the northern Netherlands, While the Japanese have produced a kind of small frill.
Generally this type of frill classified as a large bird, because its length can be more and 20 cm.
There are three sections, called mantle, jabot, and fin. Mantle (welding) is feathering on the back that cut back and fell in sinietnis. Jabot is the wavy hair on your chest and roll inward. Jabot should come and each side of the chest to form a crease into the meet in the middle like a form of closed shells. Moderate feathering fin is long, really came frayed and thighs and move up around the wing. Beautiful frill canaries can be a very beautiful bird, but the poor will be the canary bird that gave the impression of strange and weird because of its shape it. The birds mi classified as a bird of good cattle.
10. Norwich Canary
Developed as a "type canary", this bird has its own history. Flam-weaver weavers nations that maintain these birds had fled to England, to menghindani massacre the Spaniards. They live in the Norwich area in Norflok (UK). These were the ones keeping this bird kelestanian. Norwich canary is a canary today that menanik.
This bird has a group of fur is thick and has a versatile form of "round". With a broad chest, short back broad, short wings and short tail, and beak too short. Many of these birds and has a green color menanik. These birds rarely white. The length between 15-16 cm.
11. Parisian Frilled Canary
Frilled canaries are also known as canary Paris. Parisian Frilled Canary is one of the largest of all known varieties frill at this time. Parisian Frilled Canary is an exciting and beautiful birds. Tail feathers on this bird frayed, and there is also a helmet on his head, there is a cap on the forehead, sideburn have any effect on the cheek, and there is also a fur collar.
In "Canar type", the Parisian Frilled Canary bred to achieve the physical appearance of the bird, not the sound or color. Nevertheless, the Parisian Frilled Canary is a good singer, similar to most other walnuts.
There are many different varieties of canary this frayed. For example French frill, frill Fiorina, Colored (Milanese) frill, Gibber Italicus, Giboso Espanol, Japanese frill, frill Dutch Northern, Southern Dutch frill, frill Munich, Scotch Fancy frill, frill Switzerland, Roebekian frill, frill Hunchback, Brazilian frill, and even varieties such as crested and Florin Padovan frill frill.
12. Red Factor Canaries
Walnuts are first developed in the 1930s by Dr. Hans Duncker (Germany) with a red cross Siskin (male) with a canary yellow (female). Some people say the ancestor of canary yellow used Roller Hans is German, while others believe the Border Canary.
Red Factor Canary is one very popular type canary. Sangatactif and passionate bird. These birds are relatively easy to maintain but need considerable effort menernakkannya so hard to produce good offspring.
Red Factor Canary including "color canary" and actually also the Color Bred Canaries but it has a "red factor" as part of its genetic structure.
13. Roller Canary
Roller canary that was developed as a "song canary" because of the beauty of her voice is also called the German Roller Canary or Hartz Mountain Roller Canary. Roller Canary farmed on a large scale in the Hartz Mountain region. In these mountains there are families who engaged ratusa canary breed and train him.
The old way used to train these birds is to put the bird into a small cage and let the bird is listening to the sound of birds are known beautiful voice (which had won the match, for example). But today people use voice LPs or cassette tape as pemaster.
Included as a "song canary," as well as Roller Canary is Waterslager, Russian Singer Canary, American Singer Canary, and Spanish Timbrado.
14. Spanish Canary Timbrado
Varetas Timbrado Spanish Canary is the latest of the "song canary", developed in Spain in the 1940s and the 1950s. Physical form of this bird resembles the form of original or natural canary because it's a cross between the wild canary finches chirp Spain. The combination of them produces a bird that has a very unique song. The name of this bird, like his voice, reminiscent of a knock castanyet Spain. Although loud, the sound of birds are not noisy or deafening.
Although known as a great song, these birds can be enjoyed also on their physical appearance is beautiful. They were bred from sires with a variety of colors and has a crystal singing. Spanish walnut Timbrado must have good balance between sound quality and variety of songs. This bird has a different sound standards with "song canary" such as walnuts Roller, American Singer, Russian Singer, and Waterslager.
15. Stafford Canary
Stafford Canary Canary has a unique history of development. Standards of development canary bird Stafford has been determined before this started ternak.Alkisah exercised, in the 1970's, there is a group canary breeder who then develops the color canary in mainland Europe. The group is named Deutche Koife interested in creating varieties "type canary" colors (especially red and rose) but also have a tuft. Finally, they determine their own standards for the bird called the Stafford Canary, namely a cross between Gloster and Red Factor canaries.
Stafford Canary then comes up with its own branding, there is a tuft and some are plain but colored red base and rose. Stafford Canary created then is beautiful and very popular with canary breeders in Europe.
16. Waterslager Canary
Popularity has spread walnuts Waterslager since throughout history and continues to grow with properties as expected since the bird was "created". This bird is famous for songs that resemble ripples and drops of water, tinkling bells and whistles flutes. Although his voice is not as hard as some other types of canaries, Waterslager able to voice a soft song (towards medium), and the song nearly drove the popularity of all types of canaries singing songs or "song canary".
Basically Waterslager developed and maintained to get the children or descendants who also have a balance between sound quality and distinctive songs Waterslager. Several other birds which developed as a "song canary" is the canary Roller, American Singer, Russian Singer, and Spanish Timbrado.
17. Yorkshire Canary
Yorkshire canary developed as a "type canary" and is the result of crossbreeding canary canary Lancashire and Belgium. Yorkshire form sometimes described as an inverted carrot. These birds always stand tall, with long legs. Bird by Europeans often called "The Guardsman" or "Gentleman of the Fancy" has a length of approximately 16 cm.
18. Scotch Fancy Canary
Among bird enthusiasts in the UK, the bird is often known as Bird O Circle, because the formation and head to the tail end of the time competed semicircular. In the game there is the position, motion, or sound that must be exhibited by a canary. Unusual circumstances of this
It is found prominently in the area of Scotland and northern England, whereas in the south of this bird is not popular. Scotch bird should have a small head, slightly more rounded and the head of Belgium canaries. Slim and long neck which, fully charged but narrow shoulders and rounded, its wing length and strongly attached to the body, and long strong legs with good terpentang.
B. Rare varieties :
1. Lancashire Canary
This is the kind of canary canary of the largest in England. This species is rarely found it in its original form. This bird more crossed with other types to get a great body. Anyone have this type of crown or crest of the call Lancashire coppy, and some are plain head and called the Lancashire plain head.
2. Cinnamon Canary
Cinnamon birds today have in common with the canary bird belonging to Norwich and interesting. This bird has a group of fur is thick and has a versatile form of "round". With a broad chest, short back broad, short wings and short tail, and beak too short. Cinnamon is a lot of birds that have the color green menanik. Cinnamon walnut rarely white. The length between 15-16 cm.
3. London Fancy Canary
London Fancy Canary is said to have become extinct, and the canary is difficult to trace its origin. This bird is really very beautiful. Brilliant golden colored fur with black wings and tail, which menaggalkan very impressive contrast. London Fancy Canary English walnut belonging to type very old, and originally had black spots.

2. Belgian Fancy Canary

3. Border Fancy Canary

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11. Parisian Frilled Canary
Frilled canaries are also known as canary Paris. Parisian Frilled Canary is one of the largest of all known varieties frill at this time. Parisian Frilled Canary is an exciting and beautiful birds. Tail feathers on this bird frayed, and there is also a helmet on his head, there is a cap on the forehead, sideburn have any effect on the cheek, and there is also a fur collar.
In "Canar type", the Parisian Frilled Canary bred to achieve the physical appearance of the bird, not the sound or color. Nevertheless, the Parisian Frilled Canary is a good singer, similar to most other walnuts.
There are many different varieties of canary this frayed. For example French frill, frill Fiorina, Colored (Milanese) frill, Gibber Italicus, Giboso Espanol, Japanese frill, frill Dutch Northern, Southern Dutch frill, frill Munich, Scotch Fancy frill, frill Switzerland, Roebekian frill, frill Hunchback, Brazilian frill, and even varieties such as crested and Florin Padovan frill frill.
12. Red Factor Canaries
Walnuts are first developed in the 1930s by Dr. Hans Duncker (Germany) with a red cross Siskin (male) with a canary yellow (female). Some people say the ancestor of canary yellow used Roller Hans is German, while others believe the Border Canary.
Red Factor Canary is one very popular type canary. Sangatactif and passionate bird. These birds are relatively easy to maintain but need considerable effort menernakkannya so hard to produce good offspring.
Red Factor Canary including "color canary" and actually also the Color Bred Canaries but it has a "red factor" as part of its genetic structure.
13. Roller Canary
Roller canary that was developed as a "song canary" because of the beauty of her voice is also called the German Roller Canary or Hartz Mountain Roller Canary. Roller Canary farmed on a large scale in the Hartz Mountain region. In these mountains there are families who engaged ratusa canary breed and train him.
The old way used to train these birds is to put the bird into a small cage and let the bird is listening to the sound of birds are known beautiful voice (which had won the match, for example). But today people use voice LPs or cassette tape as pemaster.
Included as a "song canary," as well as Roller Canary is Waterslager, Russian Singer Canary, American Singer Canary, and Spanish Timbrado.
14. Spanish Canary Timbrado
Varetas Timbrado Spanish Canary is the latest of the "song canary", developed in Spain in the 1940s and the 1950s. Physical form of this bird resembles the form of original or natural canary because it's a cross between the wild canary finches chirp Spain. The combination of them produces a bird that has a very unique song. The name of this bird, like his voice, reminiscent of a knock castanyet Spain. Although loud, the sound of birds are not noisy or deafening.
Although known as a great song, these birds can be enjoyed also on their physical appearance is beautiful. They were bred from sires with a variety of colors and has a crystal singing. Spanish walnut Timbrado must have good balance between sound quality and variety of songs. This bird has a different sound standards with "song canary" such as walnuts Roller, American Singer, Russian Singer, and Waterslager.
15. Stafford Canary
Stafford Canary Canary has a unique history of development. Standards of development canary bird Stafford has been determined before this started ternak.Alkisah exercised, in the 1970's, there is a group canary breeder who then develops the color canary in mainland Europe. The group is named Deutche Koife interested in creating varieties "type canary" colors (especially red and rose) but also have a tuft. Finally, they determine their own standards for the bird called the Stafford Canary, namely a cross between Gloster and Red Factor canaries.
Stafford Canary then comes up with its own branding, there is a tuft and some are plain but colored red base and rose. Stafford Canary created then is beautiful and very popular with canary breeders in Europe.
16. Waterslager Canary
Popularity has spread walnuts Waterslager since throughout history and continues to grow with properties as expected since the bird was "created". This bird is famous for songs that resemble ripples and drops of water, tinkling bells and whistles flutes. Although his voice is not as hard as some other types of canaries, Waterslager able to voice a soft song (towards medium), and the song nearly drove the popularity of all types of canaries singing songs or "song canary".
Basically Waterslager developed and maintained to get the children or descendants who also have a balance between sound quality and distinctive songs Waterslager. Several other birds which developed as a "song canary" is the canary Roller, American Singer, Russian Singer, and Spanish Timbrado.
17. Yorkshire Canary
Yorkshire canary developed as a "type canary" and is the result of crossbreeding canary canary Lancashire and Belgium. Yorkshire form sometimes described as an inverted carrot. These birds always stand tall, with long legs. Bird by Europeans often called "The Guardsman" or "Gentleman of the Fancy" has a length of approximately 16 cm.
18. Scotch Fancy Canary
Among bird enthusiasts in the UK, the bird is often known as Bird O Circle, because the formation and head to the tail end of the time competed semicircular. In the game there is the position, motion, or sound that must be exhibited by a canary. Unusual circumstances of this
It is found prominently in the area of Scotland and northern England, whereas in the south of this bird is not popular. Scotch bird should have a small head, slightly more rounded and the head of Belgium canaries. Slim and long neck which, fully charged but narrow shoulders and rounded, its wing length and strongly attached to the body, and long strong legs with good terpentang.
B. Rare varieties :
1. Lancashire Canary
This is the kind of canary canary of the largest in England. This species is rarely found it in its original form. This bird more crossed with other types to get a great body. Anyone have this type of crown or crest of the call Lancashire coppy, and some are plain head and called the Lancashire plain head.
2. Cinnamon Canary
Cinnamon birds today have in common with the canary bird belonging to Norwich and interesting. This bird has a group of fur is thick and has a versatile form of "round". With a broad chest, short back broad, short wings and short tail, and beak too short. Cinnamon is a lot of birds that have the color green menanik. Cinnamon walnut rarely white. The length between 15-16 cm.
3. London Fancy Canary
London Fancy Canary is said to have become extinct, and the canary is difficult to trace its origin. This bird is really very beautiful. Brilliant golden colored fur with black wings and tail, which menaggalkan very impressive contrast. London Fancy Canary English walnut belonging to type very old, and originally had black spots.
Pictures Canary :
1. American Singer Canary

2. Belgian Fancy Canary

3. Border Fancy Canary

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Although determining the sex of canaries is not easy and those who have already experienced too many difficulties, but there are tips that can be used (but not an absolute):
- Since the age of 3 days veins in the stomach will go down next to "vent (vent / anus) and going toward the front of the" vee "which is at the front of the" vent, is seen in male canaries are still young. But these veins will not appear on the female canary. Although these vessels exist throughout male canary, it would be better if the male canary analyze it before it grows hair.
- At 5-8 days, take all the children walnuts contained in the same nest (one parent) put into the towel and the alignment as the existing position on the horse racing horse racing. That jumps the farthest is the male canary.
- These birds if the note has a lower center of the long legs while others had 3 feet of the same length. One that has a central long legs would be difficult to join the others and this is a male canary. Female canaries are easier to join his three feet have the same size.
- Look at the bones behind them. Along the spine male canary color is more rigid and more concentrated. For the female color pekatnya not until stiff and along the spine. That way it can be identified.
- Before anaka children are hairy canary. Liatlah into their head. For the male is more flattened (flat). For the female is more rounded.
- Around the age of 6-7 days the kids are starting to open eyes walnuts. If the male then his eyes level with his beak. For the females, the location of the eyes above the beak that causes the head more rounded appearance.
- When children are fed walnuts disarangnya by its mother. Note the behavior of these children. The highest standing, shouted the loudest and most want to be fed first it means the male. That female legs are shorter so they do not stand tall and hence they are fed less than the male.
- Age 28-30 days some young canaries seen practicing their voices to sing well. Not the best start singing it that looks best, the birds chirping just like the early practice only.
- About 5 months or 5 months over 2 weeks, usually male canary colors are brighter. in certain parts of the color is much sharper, especially near the head section. Center of the head on a female canary yellow will be very bright.
- Had 6 months of age has not caught species kalaminnya, walnuts, almonds are mixed among the walnut walnut walnut-females will sit more due to lower body structure. And also usually female canaries canary male will fight when they want to practice singing or his voice. Although the females in a condition not being in this time of laying and just want to sing it.
Given the many varieties of walnuts are developed today, then to choose the canary must be adapted to its purpose. Namely, whether to choose walnuts posture (type canary), walnut singer (song canary), walnut color (color canary), or a mixture of types, or just an important semmbarang walnuts. If you would like walnuts with a great song, of course, can choose walnut walnut-type singer. As for a good posture, you can choose walnut posture. Meanwhile, walnut color to choose, so staying specify color based on your liking.
Only, you can choose walnuts in general are usually favored at this time. That is a great posture and a good song. For this option, of course, you can choose walnut-almond hybrid of different sub-species, such as cruciferous Yorkshire with Waterslager, or Yorkshire with Timbrado Spanish and others.
Tips for selection:
Canary fighting style based on body shape and condition of the wing where the fighting style walnut can be grouped into 3 types.
- Style open wing down ½ or only down slightly, with head-shaking menggelang only right-left (which he called Steve Wonder style).
- Full open style wing down toward the bottom, with the model of fighting as you go along the right and left.
- Style wings open toward the front, fighting with the model as we go along the right and left.
- Style 1, is usually performed by the walnut-whole walnuts with a body that looks out of proportion and, if under normal circumstances / no action, the two wings meet to form crossed scissors and hence, the distance between the tip of the wing with the base of the tail is relatively far (not touching). When viewed from the upper body looks like a rectangle with a ratio of length: width = 3:1.
- Styles 2, usually carried out by the walnuts with a proportional body, length and body when viewed from above looks like a rectangle with a ratio of length: width = 4:1; end of the second feather wings parallel to the rear, straight.
- Style 3, together with the characteristics of the owner of two styles, denagn differences in wing tip feathers of both wings parallel to the rear but slightly down fall (ngglembreh-Java).
How quickly the sound based on the thickness of canary feathers :
- Walnut with thick fur (which he termed "double coat") tend to be old to be singing to the fullest.
- Walnuts with thin hair (which he termed a "feather one") is faster songs sound with maximum performance (Om had Erik, walnuts 7 month that has been accomplished in three racetrack, thin hairy.
Sooner than walnuts sound based on the dominant color of hair :
- Walnut that has a dominant bright colors (white, yellow, orange) tend to be old to be singing to the fullest.
- Walnut that has no dominant bright colors (white, yellow, orange) faster songs sound with maximum performance (Om had Erik, canary-colored 7 month bill with the highest color (but do not look dominant) green-yellow.
Strengths and weaknesses based on the thickness of canary feathers:
- Thick hairy canary / double can carry more songs with twisted sound more clearly than a hairy canary / thin because of the voice brought little ditingkahi style (both wings, and the road right-left).
- Thin hairy canary is more agile and able to rely on style with gunshots.
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- Cage :
Canary cage should be placed in a large size 45 x 45 x 50 cm by 1 cm in diameter were given tangkringan of rough wood, but not sharp, such as wood acid. Climbing can be made two-tiered, with two climbing on top and one below.
- Feed :
The main thing to consider in terms of feed is the menu is varied so that the adequacy of nutrition, vitamins and minerals. Food that is good, in addition to a complete nutrient such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins as well as full of vitamins A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3 (Nicotimanide) B6, B12, C and K3. Addition, it should also contain essential substances such as DL Methionine, I-Lysine HCl, Folic Acid (in fact is one form of Vitamin B) and Ca-D.
In addition to vitamins, minerals should also be sufficient. Minerals are needed in the blood and bone formation, the balance of body fluids, healthy nerve function, cardiovascular system function, and others. Such as vitamins, minerals function as co-enzymes, enabling the body perform functions such as producing energy, growth and healing.
Which includes the necessary minerals are Calcium canaries, Phosphorous, Iron, Manganase, Iodine, Cuprum, Zinccum, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium chlorine.
Foods that are suitable for canaries
- Mix grains. The main feed birds is canary seed. But we can provide grain that has been mixed a lot sold in the market.
- Vegetables and fruits. Canary birds are very fond of vegetables and fruits such as lettuce, leaf lettuce, squash, cucumber, paprica, carrots, apples, pears, corn.
- Eggs and Kroto. In certain circumstances, the second feed is urgently needed to support the growth, vitality organ functions canaries.
- Pickles. To meet the need of calcium, these birds need extra calcium intake. Cuttlefish bone can be given to complete the required calcium needs.
- Dry bread. Besides the above fond of feed-feed, bird Walnuts also like dry bread (do not give dry bread that has a salt content and high sugar).
Habitat Anis Red
Characteristics of male and female Anis Red
How to choose a Anis Red
How to care Anis Red
Donload chirp Anis Red
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Turdidae
Genus Zoothera
Species Z.Citrina
Binomial name Zoothera Citrina Rubecula
Habitat Anis Red
Characteristics of male and female anis red
How to choose a Anis Red
How to care Anis Red
Donload chirp Anis Red
• chirp anis red
Reference :
• Omkicau
• Kicau Mania
• Wikipedia
Habitat Anis Red
Characteristics of male and female Anis Red
How to choose a Anis Red
How to care Anis Red
Donload chirp Anis Red
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Turdidae
Genus Zoothera
Species Z.Citrina
Binomial name Zoothera Citrina Rubecula
Anis red or red punglor punglor worms, which often also called anise punglor brick or brick (Zoothera citrina) no doubt is a bird that is very popular among hobbyists chirp.
With his drinking style, red anise able to give the charm and allure of high.
Habitat Anis Red
Red Anis not only found in Indonesia, but also in many other countries, like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Number of Anis Red all over the place of his life is not expected to decline more than 30% in the last 10 years, so that one of the institutions of international bird conservationists (Birdlife International) still recommend this bird has not been recorded with the status of endangered species (Least Concern) to the list of birds threatened with extinction worldwide (IUCN Red List) in 2008.
However, the number of Red Anis in Java is estimated to have declined very sharply due to the rampant bird netting to be sold as pet birds (
Meanwhile, throughout mainland Southeast Asia is feared the number will continue to decline due to fewer wooded areas.
Internationally, red anise first described or given the scientific name by John Latham in 1790 under the name Turdus citrinus. Red Anis appearance differences found in various places to make bird experts distinguish this species into several races, but Rasmussen and Anderton (2005) states that there is a possibility of some kind in 12 races.
In Indonesia, red anise found in Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and Bali. In Sumatra is estimated migrants (migrants) from mainland Asia and the possibility there are two races: race and race innotata Zoothera citrina citrina Zoothera gibsonhilli. In the northern part of Borneo is a resident bird in the mountains, between 1000 - 1500 meters above sea level and is only known from a little note on G. Kinabalu and Trus Madi is a race Zoothera citrina aurata. In Java and Bali can be found to a height of 1500 meters above sea level. Ras is found in western Java is
Zoothera citrina rubecula
Zoothera citrina rubeculadan in eastern Java and Bali are Zoothera citrina Orientis. Both races are only distinguished from the length of its wings. Naming race Zoothera citrina rubecula conducted by Gould in 1836, while the name of the race of citrina Zoothera given by Bartels Jr. Orientis. in 1938. Some experts doubt the bird red anis racial differences found in western Java to eastern Java and Bali.
Red Anis foraging on the ground under a tree with a dense plant. Very actively foraging in the shadow of the sun with poke leaves litter to find insects, spiders, worms and fruit that has fallen on the ground. In Malaysia, red anise is often observed eating the fruit of banyan trees.
Anis nest shaped like a bowl of red is shallow and composed of tree roots, leaves and litter. Both parents actively build nests that are often built at a height of more than 4.5 meters and placed on a small tree or shrub. As much as two to four eggs, sometimes three, incubated for 13-14 days to hatch. After hatching, the children cared for about 12 days to get out of the nest. ( Terry Gonsolvis (a breeder in Bristol, UK) has successfully menangkarkan red anis of race Zoothera cyanotus citrina. Arkum (a breeder in Depok, Bogor) has successfully menangkarkan red anise with anise birds deposit their eggs on the flower (
Pictures anis red :
Pictures anis red :
Characteristics of male and female anis red
Because red anis is monomorphic bird, the male-female differences can not be distinguished by looking at physical characteristics that look.
Many "myths" that mention a specific physical traits are red signify gender anis. But in fact very difficult to determine the sex of adult red anis just based observations.
Yet there is a benchmark that is often used by people to choose it, though not 100% accurate. For example, anis red males have a brighter red color and sharper than the red female anis. as well as more jet-black color.
There is also a way of determining the sex of anise with a touch of red cloaca to determine bone density supitnya. If it feels tight and spiky, male. If the rather wide and soft, female.
While other differences can be seen from the behavior. Anis red males will look up-met anis dongakkan head if other red. While the female red anis not show such behavior. If anis red females in heat, so if you see a red male anis who was singing or stoned, he would pulsate-vibrate the wing and looking up as he whistled ciiirrr ....
How to choose a Anis Red
Because of the difficulty of selecting a male and female red anis going, so if you choose red anis going we need to increase the purchasing budget. Come to the merchants of birds that have been established in any market or to collectors. Traders or collectors that have been established will not risk losing customers who are willing to spend more money.
Meanwhile, for the general benchmark in choosing red anis are as follows :
Androgynous males, the characteristics of the Red Bird-sex male Anis can be seen from a long posture matching, tail longer, spine and small chopsticks meeting, coat color is more assertive, darker-colored beak, feathers under the beak color of the bottom is more faded , big bulging eyes, the shape of the head is larger and moves swiftly.
Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a Red Anis bird beak bent. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
Body posture, choose materials that berpostur Red Anis is with a long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients.
Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
Standing on your head 45 degrees mendangak. Believe it may not, if you get material like this, guaranteed to age 7 months already and started to get high ngerol.
How to care Anis Red
- Place: Anis red can be maintained with a round cage or box size of 40 x 40 x 60 cm or it could be spherical with a diameter of 30 cm. While perch or pangkringan can be made with a diameter of 1.5 cm, with ingredients that sour hard wood branches, a rather rough surface of the skin so it can be to hone in order not to pointy beak. For daily maintenance, unnecessary red anis dikerodng and only dikeorodng night so as not to cold.
- Feeding: The main thing to consider in terms of feed is the menu is varied so that the adequacy of nutrition, vitamins and minerals. Food that is good, in addition to a complete nutrient such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins as well as full of vitamins A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3 (Nicotimanide) B6, B12, C and K3. Addition, it should also contain essential substances such as DL Methionine, I-Lysine HCl, Folic Acid (in fact is one form of Vitamin B) and Ca-D
In addition to vitamins, minerals should also be sufficient. Minerals are needed in the blood and bone formation, the balance of body fluids, healthy nerve function, cardiovascular system function, and others. Such as vitamins, minerals function as co-enzymes, enabling the body perform functions such as producing energy, growth and healing.
Which includes the necessary minerals anis red birds are Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Manganase, Iodine, Cuprum, Zinccum, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium chlorine.
Foods that are appropriate for the bird red anis
Voer, (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer will fit every bird's metabolic system Anis Red. Voer should always be available within cepuknya. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
Fresh fruit, this bird very fond of fruit Papaya, Banana kepok White, Apples, Pears, Tomatoes and some other fruits. Should multiply the fruit of Papaya, Papaya fruit because it contains a high vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance. In addition, Papaya fruit is easily digestible and is perfect with an average metabolic systems of fruit-eating birds.
EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good for bird Red Anis are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, Worms, Caterpillars Hong Kong, Bamboo Worms, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
Donload chirp Anis Red
• chirp anis red
Reference :
• Omkicau
• Kicau Mania
• Wikipedia
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