anis red,
bird anis red
Habitat Anis Red
Characteristics of male and female Anis Red
How to choose a Anis Red
How to care Anis Red
Donload chirp Anis Red
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Turdidae
Genus Zoothera
Species Z.Citrina
Binomial name Zoothera Citrina Rubecula
Habitat Anis Red
Characteristics of male and female anis red
How to choose a Anis Red
How to care Anis Red
Donload chirp Anis Red
• chirp anis red
Reference :
• Omkicau
• Kicau Mania
• Wikipedia
Habitat Anis Red
Characteristics of male and female Anis Red
How to choose a Anis Red
How to care Anis Red
Donload chirp Anis Red
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Turdidae
Genus Zoothera
Species Z.Citrina
Binomial name Zoothera Citrina Rubecula
Anis red or red punglor punglor worms, which often also called anise punglor brick or brick (Zoothera citrina) no doubt is a bird that is very popular among hobbyists chirp.
With his drinking style, red anise able to give the charm and allure of high.
Habitat Anis Red
Red Anis not only found in Indonesia, but also in many other countries, like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Vietnam. Number of Anis Red all over the place of his life is not expected to decline more than 30% in the last 10 years, so that one of the institutions of international bird conservationists (Birdlife International) still recommend this bird has not been recorded with the status of endangered species (Least Concern) to the list of birds threatened with extinction worldwide (IUCN Red List) in 2008.
However, the number of Red Anis in Java is estimated to have declined very sharply due to the rampant bird netting to be sold as pet birds (
Meanwhile, throughout mainland Southeast Asia is feared the number will continue to decline due to fewer wooded areas.
Internationally, red anise first described or given the scientific name by John Latham in 1790 under the name Turdus citrinus. Red Anis appearance differences found in various places to make bird experts distinguish this species into several races, but Rasmussen and Anderton (2005) states that there is a possibility of some kind in 12 races.
In Indonesia, red anise found in Sumatra, Borneo, Java, and Bali. In Sumatra is estimated migrants (migrants) from mainland Asia and the possibility there are two races: race and race innotata Zoothera citrina citrina Zoothera gibsonhilli. In the northern part of Borneo is a resident bird in the mountains, between 1000 - 1500 meters above sea level and is only known from a little note on G. Kinabalu and Trus Madi is a race Zoothera citrina aurata. In Java and Bali can be found to a height of 1500 meters above sea level. Ras is found in western Java is
Zoothera citrina rubecula
Zoothera citrina rubeculadan in eastern Java and Bali are Zoothera citrina Orientis. Both races are only distinguished from the length of its wings. Naming race Zoothera citrina rubecula conducted by Gould in 1836, while the name of the race of citrina Zoothera given by Bartels Jr. Orientis. in 1938. Some experts doubt the bird red anis racial differences found in western Java to eastern Java and Bali.
Red Anis foraging on the ground under a tree with a dense plant. Very actively foraging in the shadow of the sun with poke leaves litter to find insects, spiders, worms and fruit that has fallen on the ground. In Malaysia, red anise is often observed eating the fruit of banyan trees.
Anis nest shaped like a bowl of red is shallow and composed of tree roots, leaves and litter. Both parents actively build nests that are often built at a height of more than 4.5 meters and placed on a small tree or shrub. As much as two to four eggs, sometimes three, incubated for 13-14 days to hatch. After hatching, the children cared for about 12 days to get out of the nest. ( Terry Gonsolvis (a breeder in Bristol, UK) has successfully menangkarkan red anis of race Zoothera cyanotus citrina. Arkum (a breeder in Depok, Bogor) has successfully menangkarkan red anise with anise birds deposit their eggs on the flower (
Pictures anis red :
Pictures anis red :
Characteristics of male and female anis red
Because red anis is monomorphic bird, the male-female differences can not be distinguished by looking at physical characteristics that look.
Many "myths" that mention a specific physical traits are red signify gender anis. But in fact very difficult to determine the sex of adult red anis just based observations.
Yet there is a benchmark that is often used by people to choose it, though not 100% accurate. For example, anis red males have a brighter red color and sharper than the red female anis. as well as more jet-black color.
There is also a way of determining the sex of anise with a touch of red cloaca to determine bone density supitnya. If it feels tight and spiky, male. If the rather wide and soft, female.
While other differences can be seen from the behavior. Anis red males will look up-met anis dongakkan head if other red. While the female red anis not show such behavior. If anis red females in heat, so if you see a red male anis who was singing or stoned, he would pulsate-vibrate the wing and looking up as he whistled ciiirrr ....
How to choose a Anis Red
Because of the difficulty of selecting a male and female red anis going, so if you choose red anis going we need to increase the purchasing budget. Come to the merchants of birds that have been established in any market or to collectors. Traders or collectors that have been established will not risk losing customers who are willing to spend more money.
Meanwhile, for the general benchmark in choosing red anis are as follows :
Androgynous males, the characteristics of the Red Bird-sex male Anis can be seen from a long posture matching, tail longer, spine and small chopsticks meeting, coat color is more assertive, darker-colored beak, feathers under the beak color of the bottom is more faded , big bulging eyes, the shape of the head is larger and moves swiftly.
Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a Red Anis bird beak bent. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
Body posture, choose materials that berpostur Red Anis is with a long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients.
Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
Standing on your head 45 degrees mendangak. Believe it may not, if you get material like this, guaranteed to age 7 months already and started to get high ngerol.
How to care Anis Red
- Place: Anis red can be maintained with a round cage or box size of 40 x 40 x 60 cm or it could be spherical with a diameter of 30 cm. While perch or pangkringan can be made with a diameter of 1.5 cm, with ingredients that sour hard wood branches, a rather rough surface of the skin so it can be to hone in order not to pointy beak. For daily maintenance, unnecessary red anis dikerodng and only dikeorodng night so as not to cold.
- Feeding: The main thing to consider in terms of feed is the menu is varied so that the adequacy of nutrition, vitamins and minerals. Food that is good, in addition to a complete nutrient such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins as well as full of vitamins A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3 (Nicotimanide) B6, B12, C and K3. Addition, it should also contain essential substances such as DL Methionine, I-Lysine HCl, Folic Acid (in fact is one form of Vitamin B) and Ca-D
In addition to vitamins, minerals should also be sufficient. Minerals are needed in the blood and bone formation, the balance of body fluids, healthy nerve function, cardiovascular system function, and others. Such as vitamins, minerals function as co-enzymes, enabling the body perform functions such as producing energy, growth and healing.
Which includes the necessary minerals anis red birds are Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Manganase, Iodine, Cuprum, Zinccum, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium chlorine.
Foods that are appropriate for the bird red anis
Voer, (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced Voer will fit every bird's metabolic system Anis Red. Voer should always be available within cepuknya. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
Fresh fruit, this bird very fond of fruit Papaya, Banana kepok White, Apples, Pears, Tomatoes and some other fruits. Should multiply the fruit of Papaya, Papaya fruit because it contains a high vitamin C thereby helping to increase endurance. In addition, Papaya fruit is easily digestible and is perfect with an average metabolic systems of fruit-eating birds.
EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good for bird Red Anis are: Crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, Worms, Caterpillars Hong Kong, Bamboo Worms, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
Donload chirp Anis Red
• chirp anis red
Reference :
• Omkicau
• Kicau Mania
• Wikipedia
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