Habitat birds Kacer
Characteristics of male and female birds Kacer
How to care birds Kacer
How to choose bird Kacer
Understanding Kacer mbagong
Download chirp bird Kacer
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Muscicapidae
Genus Copsychus
Species C.Saularis,C.Sechellarum,C.Albospecularis
Kacer Bird or Magpie Robin is popular in Indonesia at this time there are two types, namely black kacer often called kacer Java and kacer pitcher or kacer lifeboat which is often called kacer sumatra. This bird was still allied together in the genus Copsychus.
Bird kacer java scientific name is Copsychus sechellarum kacer while the pitcher is Copsychus saularis.
Striking differences were only in black and white coat color. Copsychus sechellarum or kacer java black hairy chest all until near the cloaca, while Copsychus saularis ataui kacer black pot just until the chest and down to the cloaca is white. Meanwhile, the bird is very similar to the pitcher or kacer kacer sumatra is kacer Madagascar (Copsychus albospecularis).
Habitat birds Kacer
As mentioned above, kacer consists of three species, namely Copsychus saularis, Copsychus sechellarum and Copsychus albospecularis. Especially for Copsychus saularis (Oriental Magpie Robin) is composed of nine subspecies, namely :
1. saularis, (Thailand, India, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia)
2. andamanensis, (Kep. Andaman)
3. musicus, (Peninsular, Malaysia, Thailand)
4. prosthopellus, (Hainan, China)
5. erimelas (India to Indochina),
6. Pluto (Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia),
7. ceylonensis (India, Sri Lanka),
8. adamsi (Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia),
9. mindanensis (Mindanao-Philippines).
Pictures birds kacer :
1. Kacer Pot or Lifeboat
Habitat birds Kacer
Characteristics of male and female birds Kacer
How to care birds Kacer
How to choose bird Kacer
Understanding Kacer mbagong
Download chirp bird Kacer
Scientific Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Aves
Order Passeriformes
Family Muscicapidae
Genus Copsychus
Species C.Saularis,C.Sechellarum,C.Albospecularis
Kacer Bird or Magpie Robin is popular in Indonesia at this time there are two types, namely black kacer often called kacer Java and kacer pitcher or kacer lifeboat which is often called kacer sumatra. This bird was still allied together in the genus Copsychus.
Bird kacer java scientific name is Copsychus sechellarum kacer while the pitcher is Copsychus saularis.
Striking differences were only in black and white coat color. Copsychus sechellarum or kacer java black hairy chest all until near the cloaca, while Copsychus saularis ataui kacer black pot just until the chest and down to the cloaca is white. Meanwhile, the bird is very similar to the pitcher or kacer kacer sumatra is kacer Madagascar (Copsychus albospecularis).
Habitat birds Kacer
As mentioned above, kacer consists of three species, namely Copsychus saularis, Copsychus sechellarum and Copsychus albospecularis. Especially for Copsychus saularis (Oriental Magpie Robin) is composed of nine subspecies, namely :
1. saularis, (Thailand, India, Nepal, Malaysia, Indonesia)
2. andamanensis, (Kep. Andaman)
3. musicus, (Peninsular, Malaysia, Thailand)
4. prosthopellus, (Hainan, China)
5. erimelas (India to Indochina),
6. Pluto (Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia),
7. ceylonensis (India, Sri Lanka),
8. adamsi (Sabah, Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia),
9. mindanensis (Mindanao-Philippines).
Pictures birds kacer :
1. Kacer Pot or Lifeboat
(image source : shenter)
2. Kacer Java
(image source : suwarno71)
Physically, male and female birds are easily distinguished primarily kacer grown. In males, black feathers on the head and chest glossy, while the female is gray.
As for age trotolan, then the black tinge to the male was seen even though only one of two feathers, while females only trotolan dark or black color tends to fade gray.
There are some important things that must be considered in the selection of material or going on a bird kacer.
- If the option to chirp, of course, the androgynous male, with a characteristic black coat color and contrast strongly shiny.
- Beak shape, you should select half of the stems form a wide, thick, big and long. Half of the bottom should be straight. Do not choose material that has a crooked beak. Select the position of the nostrils close as possible to the position of the eye.
- Box-shaped head, big round eyes and glared. This indicates these birds have a good mental combat.
- Body posture, choose materials that berpostur being with long neck, body and tail and legs to match. Do not choose material necked and short height.
- Wings and legs tucked tightly gripping strong, this indicates the healthy ingredients. Choose the big feet and look dry. Color does not affect mental feet of birds.
- Agile and big appetite. These are the traits of good material that mentality.
- Long neck contains dense. Indicates this bird will issue a maximum sound power.
-Place: kacer bird cage can be kept with the box size of 40 x 40 x 60 cm or it could be spherical with a diameter of 40 cm. While perch or pangkringan can be made of two crisscrossed with a diameter of 1.5 cmdari respective timber branch of acidic materials. Choose a timber with a slightly rough surface of the skin but not sharp so it can be to hone in order not to pointy beak. For daily maintenance, kacer unnecessary and only in kerodong night so as not to cold.
- Feeding: The main thing to consider in terms of feed is the menu is varied so that the adequacy of nutrition, vitamins and minerals. Food that is good, in addition to a complete nutrient such as protein, carbohydrates, vitamins as well as full of vitamins A, D3, E, B1, B2, B3 (Nicotimanide) B6, B12, C and K3. Addition, it should also contain essential substances such as DL Methionine, I-Lysine HCl, Folic Acid (in fact is one form of Vitamin B) and Ca-D
In addition to vitamins, minerals should also be sufficient. Minerals are needed in the blood and bone formation, the balance of body fluids, healthy nerve function, cardiovascular system function, and others. Such as vitamins, minerals function as co-enzymes, enabling the body perform functions such as producing energy, growth and healing.
Which includes the necessary minerals anis red birds are Calcium, Phosphorous, Iron, Manganase, Iodine, Cuprum, Zinccum, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium chlorine.
Food and extra fooding suitable for birds kacer :
- Voer, (you should select a protein yield was as follows: 12% -18%, not necessarily high-priced voer will fit every bird kacer metabolic system. Voer should always be available within cepuknya. Voer Always replace with a new one every two days.
- EF (Extra fooding), additional food is very good for birds kacer ie: crickets, Orong-Orong, Kroto, worms, caterpillars hongkong, bamboo caterpillar, caterpillar cage, centipedes, grasshoppers and others. EF giving should always be adapted to the character of each bird, and also need to know with certainty the impact of the gift clause of the EF.
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The term nguda mbagong or sea or mbedesi refers to behavior that memkarkan kacer feathers and bend the head like a sea horse and voiced "CIR". Repeatedly. Basically kacer mbagong or not, it is highly conditional.
It's just a matter of kacer mbagong, indeed the average kacer mbagong despite the emergence of a single character with a lainnjya kacer different. It was also influenced by the physical and mental condition kacer at the time.
Average kacer the champion has ever mbagong. So, there should be a kind of note on our kacer, under what conditions and what the cause is usually mbagong kacer and in such condition that no other kacer mbagong if ketemua. By knowing this, we can suppress the maximum extent possible so kacer not mbagong if matched.
In matters of this mbagong mbagong and not even I dare say that "no kacer who never mbagong". That is, the condition kacer birds can not always fit, always normal conditions of lust and so on. Thus, the most important thing is to keep the birds are always in a fit condition.
In order kacer are in fit condition, the intake of food with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that balance must be considered. If birds are too many cumbersome and difficult to recover to a condition fit, meaning the bird is experiencing disefisiensi kacer minerals. The thing to do is provide the sand bath therapy.
Birds of a mineral deficiency can manifest all sorts. Bird kacer for example, easily mbagong. Another manifestation is showing symptoms of rachitis (soft bones, crooked and abnormal); paralysa (lame) and also perosis (heel swelling). In the newly hatched birds, symptoms can occur with disabilities, Achilles tendon (tendon), regardless joint, detached (luxatio); half fumble, lack of blood, pale and weak. And the most common bird feathers are also easily broken after a moult, aka dull not shiny.
To perform a sand bath therapy, perform the following steps :
1. Look for land that is clean and free of pesticides. If you can not make sure the soil is nice and clean, you can use bricks bubukan filtered. Find yourself a soft bricks do that hard because even though filtered, bubukan brick hard can also damage the feathers of birds like the sand.
2. Make sure you use a soil containing lots of minerals. If you can not get it, then you just get a brick bubukan Bird then mixed with mineral taste. Bird mineral is one bird health products in which there were calcium, phosphorus, iron (iron), manganase, iodine, cuprum, zinccum, magnesium, sodium, potassium, vitamin B12 and vitamin D3.
3. Fill the tub with soil karamba bird that you mix with Bird Bird Minerals and enter into it as if you're bathing birds. Some birds will want to do craftsman or a shower of sand, while others do not. For this, it needs trained diligently and patiently.
If your bird does not want a bath of sand or you do not diligently and patiently train it to want to shower the sand, you may directly provide a way to mix Mineral Bird into voer or Kroto (for birds that eat Kroto). What is important in this regard is to ensure the birds get the right minerals, fitting and measurable.
By getting a bird bath sand / soil, then you have to make sure we are not birds kacer mineral deficiency so it is not easy to drop and mbagong, have feathers strong, smooth, shiny after molting or alias ngurak moult; not affected by rachitis (soft bones, bent and abnormal); free paralysa (lame); free perosis (heel swelling).
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